Counterattack crusher

Counterattack crusher maintenance skills

In fact, many users to the operation of the counterattack broken is very familiar, but some of the counterattack crusher maintenance knowledge is relatively lack, correct maintenance knowledge’s subsequent reproduction in crusher is a great help, the following counter them often appear some fault, tell you some simple maintenance small common sense.

Breakdown maintenance skills:

Counterattack crusher rotor at run time, the clearance between rotor and counterattack plate can be adjusted. Such as material into pieces of stranded between back plate and the plate and shell, it is recommended to readjust the clearance between slightly lift the back frame, such as block feed will become loose, easy to adjust the back frame. If back add enough is enough, can pat on relaxing bar (with a board), the rotor and the clearance between the back plate are done by the machine adjustment device.

Loosen the bolt set first, and then in turn the long nut, the pull rod is upward direction, adjustment may tighten the screw set. After counterattack crusher replacement parts, the first open shelves. Use, after the first stores in the body of the connecting bolt, hex head and then using a wrench screw to flip device, then slowly open hit the shelves.

At the same time, can use frame at the top of the back frame hanging device. Repeat the above process, namely, closed after the shelves. Counterattack hammer broken plate wear should be timely adjust or change, to a certain extent to avoid the fasteners and other components. Open the cover, after dismantling the fixed counterattack plate with split pin, slotted nuts, bolts, will wear after counterattack plate can be replaced. Such as installing a new back plate, reverse the steps above immediately. In addition in the usual operation should be timely check the bearing temperature counterattack crusher, if abnormal, is a good chance that excessive grease and the insufficiency, or grease dirt, it is also possible that bearing damage, should be timely check the grease quantity at this moment, or replace the grease, bearing, etc.

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